Thursday, October 23, 2008

Low-Light Shooting Techniques

In the November issue of Tactical Weapons, which I have right here next to me, there's a big article about Matthew Graham, a former Federal Air Marshal (and personal friend) who invented the Graham shooting technique. He now owns his own business as a top-notch firearms and tactics instructor. If you go on SureFire's website, you can see the product he invented, called Combat Rings.

I shot last night, and showed the technique to several others in the law enforcement/private security realm. The Graham method is a hit among anyone who knows anything about night or low-light shooting. I know because I showed it to guys who've been shooting for several years and they liked the Graham method best. Of course, this tiny blog entry doesn't give the Graham technique justice, and I don't plan on explaining it here. But, suffice it to say, Matt Graham is one of the best operators I've ever had the pleasure to work with. You can check out his website here.

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