Tuesday, February 14, 2012

America's Top Seven Socio-Political Problems

The other night at a political rally I met William J. Kelly with the Kelly Truth Squad. He told me a little about his new nationally televised show (or several tapings of it) that he'll be filming soon. He said he's writing for the Washington Times. I mentioned that I have also written for the Times.

Anyway, I couldn't help but to ponder his request when he said, "What are seven things you think is wrong right now in America?" (or something to that effect).

Well, I'm almost finished with my book manuscript -- finally -- "For God, Family and Country," so this thing has been on my mind for some time.

Here's my list. A lot of the points overlap and might be summed up by saying, simply, "We need to be better, trust in God, strengthen our families, work hard, be thrifty, and embrace the Constitution. We need to make our voices heard, endorse small government, do all we can to lower our taxes, and STAY OUT OF DEBT!!"

1) The secularization of Judeo-Christian ethos in America. Tocqueville said, “The safeguard of morality is religion, and morality is the best security of law as well as the surest pledge of freedom.” (Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, trans. by Henry Reeve, Esq. Vol 1 (1 of 2 vol) 4th edition. NY: J.& H.G. Langley, 1841. p. 44.) This irreligious popularity is a defining reason for division and turmoil. Core values of such faith includes, but is not limited to,

2) The breakdown of traditional marriage and family, which is a cause for much of the social and political turmoil. Sadly, such a breakdown is fueled by the interpretation of our Constitution and moral laws by nihilistic judges. 

3) Legal rulings are destroying the original intent of the Constitution.  Like frogs in tepid water, the temperature is calculated to slowly rise until the water boils to the frogs' demise. Case law and powerful judges have set a dangerous trend. 

4) The voices of "We the People" are being oppressed. Our voices and our votes are silenced (e.g. Proposition 8, voted by the people, overturned as unconstitutional by an openly gay district judge, and recently sustained by the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Paradoxically, the entire legal process seems unconstitutional by the fact that the people voted for Prop 8 in the first place, but judges are now saying their vote doesn't count!). So, who's voice does count then?

5) The voices of the boisterous minority are loud, supported by media who glamorizes ridiculousness and thrives on the spectacular and sensational. These groups and individuals are all too often catered to by legislators who claim "equality for all," albeit in the name of socialism, which includes, but is not limited to, government handouts, bailouts and mandated healthcare. Moreover, there is a demand for tolerance when the demand is not reciprocal to the "normal" majority, who all too often, unfortunately, is swayed into social "group think."

6) Taxes burden the backs of workers while indolence is on the rise. Who would want to work when a free government check gives them more to stay at home, buy alcohol or drugs, and buy the most expensive steak and soda pop with their welfare handouts? Why are we surprised by businesses moving factories overseas where labor is expected and money has to be earned? Why are we surprised by foreign businesses and foreign moguls buying up American properties and corporations (especially with the USD as weak as it is) while U.S.-based businesses establish headquarters in Ireland, home of the 2% tax? The division between have and have not spikes, as well as the criminal interest. 

7) The right to bear arms.  See bio. Nuff said.

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